

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with 10 facts

a picture of mine xD

ehhem,please click advertisement for me ;) thanks guys

1. I actually love purple colour very very much,that's why lotsa belongings of mine are purposely being Purple.

2. I love to travel.The girl swore in her heart that she must travel around the World .

3.  Being  extraordinary stubborn ,upon making decision,it's hard to change my mind.

4. Sweet tooth,Food-lover and I can never ever resist tasty food.By the way,wishing a pretty slim body.=P

5.  Loves cam-whoring.Feel greats to look back my memory lane.

6. Sometimes rude when encountering some really pissed-me-off incidents.

7. Can be quiet and inactive while facing people i am not familiar with;being crazy upon meeting people whom i know well.

8.  Hates cockroach,jelly fish and injections a lot.

9.  I have a Him who means a lot to me.

10. I do not want to grow older anymore.19th is more than enough to me.Can I?

to be continued with day 02..

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