

The Cat

p/s: ignore this post if you like cats so much,no offense to cat lover =)

Okay,我得承认猫咪有时候是很可爱,好像我外婆家那两只就很惹人疼。好像卡通猫—Kitty Cat,Garfield(咖啡猫)都很可爱。可是读了一年Matric后,我完全对猫反感。

除了惊讶吃草的很多,猫也是,无论是Café,宿舍,tutorial room,Lecture hall还是厕所,OmG..都是猫。吃饭时它拼命‘喵喵喵’就算了,你要吃我给,可是有些猫很过分,好像要跟你抢饭吃。吃饱后盘子在桌上它就跳上桌子舔。



好吧,这样也算了。不知要称赞它们乖还是生气好。它们在冲凉房大便。OMG,臭到我很forbid去冲凉 T^T 猫不是最爱干净吗?


现在还有一只大肥猫死在我们block Foyer的隔壁还没有被清理。经过时看到它满身苍蝇,发臭的程度你可以想想吧?



USM interview

around 7.00p.m. left SS and head to Penang.Go for an interview for course of Pharmacy in USM.Reached Penang around 8.30 something.After Penang Bridge,reached George Town ,turn left and go straight ,we found USM.@……@i wan to study here....can i??

frustrating event occurs.xt's GPS is something wrong.
We went for the nearest Stallion Apartment.No avail
Opt for Continental Hotel,Wrong way.
after almost one hour,finally settle down and went to 湾仔角Anjung Gurney for supper.I order蛤仔煎 that i crave for,and char kuew tiau.nice!



Get up early in the morning,6.15a.m. to get ready.The interview is sort of first come first serve.I don't want to be the last that i sacrifice my sleep time.

Went to nearby McDonald for a big breakfast.No appetite,perhaps nervous =( i can't even finish my favourite  Fried Potato Slice.Felt Tired of eating McD 's breakfast already.

Road congestion along the road to USM that made me reached USM at about 8.00a.m.

We have no idea on how to reach Pusat Pengajian Farmasi ,stopped by for several times to ask.Finally reached,and i get Bilik 4,no.6.

=( wait and wait and i met a friend from kmph(she is from kuala kangsar).She get No.1. She finished the interview so fast.I was in the same group with one Chinese girl,the other are all Malays.

Finished interview at around 10.15a.m.Relax.

The interviewers are all friendly.Did asked me a lot of question.
-my background
-Tell about cocuriculum
-What do you know about USM
-My weakness 
-My characteristic
-Why USM want to choose you out of the other candidates?
-can you mix with Orang Asli?
-how about sending you to Sarawak to service?
-asked me if i have FB,how many friends in FB,whether i got BF
-asked about my father's shop.
-the last one,harapan saya.

and i told them i really want to be a student of USM.100% confidence I said.


head to Queensbay mall =) buy nothing but have a Siam Lunch at Siam Express.

mango salad

Green Curry with chicken

Sour and Spicy

Tomyam Seafood soup

a nice day! =P 
xt hates spicy and sour food actually.!

I hope i will be selected.God Bless Me.


i wish i am one of them

damn worry currectly..

Prove it.


It's Family Day


My mum knocked my door early in the morning. 8.00 a.m.If i were still in Matric,I will sulk. =(
Not willing to wake up though.10.00a.m. i get the last door knock from my mum,dizzily I wake up and got myself ready for breakfast.

then went to popo's house to visit her.Aunt and her cute little daughter were there too!
-Chit chat,bluff-
I played with the little one,she asked me to teach her drawings,she only knows how to  draw a snake.
She is damn cute la!


Went for a lunch with xt's family at around 3.00p.m.
Back to home for my new blog layout.Someone said the previous one can't view my blog entries.

Dad and mum back to home earlier for dinner.Went for Japanese food.
have a blast!!

                                                                 Wakame salad here we go,nice too!
man yu fan.

                                                         Tempura soba bento,my mum finished it
                                                                    Sis's leng mian,nice ^^!
                  xt's,he didn't like it much,until the cook said'有灭意见?我涕你sek来sek去都sek ng sai??'


the soup looks like Flowers.

dad and mum


went to Jusco then,and i have Baskin Robbins --World Class Chocolate.The day ended with Love.

Good Day and Good Night.




yuhoo =P back to ipoh,and hang out for a movie and went to Paparich for a super SPICY LAKSA.I was  told i have blood red lip...xD I couldn't finish it anyway,I tried,and it tastes good actually 

self-loving a bit..............i crave for durian while waiting



Went to Genting to stay one night before the Kuantan-Ipoh journey.No outdoor game ,just a movie,chase for love.Genting is cold right now =) and i was totally dizzy when the car was driving down from the highlands.

i have this extravagant ride.My very first time and going to be the last time too.Nothing special just an indoor ride and it cost RM8 per person.=(

Crazy photos here xD

my dad and me..

xt and me at last


Bye kmph =)


Yeah,终于来到这种时候。我要毕业了 xD(虽然后天才要离开,可是考完今天的chemistry已经很爽了)



一路走来,真的是很苦。什么事情都得自己来。每每我下楼拿水,拿着5 Litres的水心中在想,要是我爸在还是xt在这种活儿一定不是我干。可是这就是Life


然后吃饱饭有个photo session,我下去了,可是忘记带重要证件,便上去拿。室友都出去了,我就开门要拿,怎么知道钥匙怎么开也开不到。奇怪,看看钥匙,对啊,是10号。认真看清楚,门里写的是T1-B2-10。我当场晕眩。原来我进错房了。后来的事情发展是我去问我去问我室友借我钥匙,问那边的负责人我可以换房吗(因为我已经unpack完了),后来他说不可以,结果我一个人拿着所有东西往上搬,重新抹过所有东西,然后轮到我拍照时我的刘海都是湿的;还有我的新室友们目瞪口呆看着;我打给我妈跟她说我进错房了,我妈说我很乌龙。真是‘淤’到爆,我可以想象我多累吗?那个时候我真的觉得我很惨,世界要崩溃了,还是我自己来。

后来我更乌龙,每次回房都回到T1-B2-10。有一次还一天进错两次人家的房间,还得明萱猛笑我。我还试过踏进去了看看,发觉怎么今天房间那么奇怪,才发现自己走错。有什么办法,我以为T1ground floor,T2是一楼嘛!(T1是一楼,T2是二楼才对)

还有那个超级辛苦的Orientation week,我累到连站着都能睡得着。早上四点起身晚上12点多一点才睡。还要跟人争厕所;中午十二点烈日当空叫我去排球场集会;四点起身听他讲废话;连吃饭都没有时间。那时候真想说‘我不读了!我要回去!’。











Your truly,Aoran.






失眠的起因是:我的室友习惯半夜不睡读书。她开着桌灯——那种很亮的fluorescent lamp你知道吗?之前我都是半夜被她的灯亮醒,我也不知道我为什么对光那么敏感=.=总之有谁晚上没有关灯我都知道,因为我会一直半睡半醒。结果我半夜的任务就变成----关灯使者。因为她们总爱读书读到一半,躺下去就睡了,结果开着桌灯整个晚上。而我,就一直帮他们关掉。

后来我忍受不住。因为这样下去我觉得我的睡眠很没有quality @.@然后我就去问她们为什么不关灯睡觉呢?(其实之前我已经要求过其中一个,请她关灯)结果,有一个就答我她怕hysterical,所以没关,可是她答应我她会关的。然后另一个就说他忘记关。

更痛苦的是,我有一次一点就醒了,然后我整个晚上都睡不着。就是那种我知道我在睡觉的感觉,虽然闭着眼睛一整个晚上,我基本上并不在睡觉。然后我就三点爬起身,打给xt(他是受害者),当时睡我隔壁的室友还没打算睡。因为我躺了两个小时都睡不着,xt建议我先起身读下书,累了再睡。然后我就起身,拿着我的bio notes啃,你知道我多难过吗?已经要考试了,没有充足的睡眠要我怎样考??然后说着说着我哭了,吓得我的室友很内疚,然后她说她关灯叫我睡,可是那整个晚上我都没在睡。眼睛是闭着的,可脑袋还不愿休息,其实我的眼睛超累 T^T


我的天,原来能够安心的睡觉有时是那么困难的事,现在我才知道能够一觉睡到天亮是多么幸福。Damn it,我很痛苦,我回到家要睡个饱,没有人再可以一早或半夜走进我房大声说话也没有人半夜开着灯阻碍我睡觉!!



The end is near....

first time have dinner with my roommates.. and we actually took quite a lot of photos =) but those are not in my handphone..The one sat next to me is ANI--the one i always teased.The one standing at the back is LIZA .It's quite fun and happy to eat with them.. =P

The last outing i had with my gang in kmph.We wemt for a SUCK movie--'Sucker Punch'.Actually i want to watch rango..Then ate Sushi King and i have this.*Full*

Everyone smiles in the photos. =) It's really nice.I have no idea when are we going to meet up again when we graduated.But i truly we can run into each other some days later. 


4.1.2011-About here

A lot of photos in this post xD

Happy April Fool =P even though this year no one fool me as Pguin Chin and other of my friends did.And Today is my friend --yee Ching 's birthday.Happy Birthday.

Memorable ---Today is the last day for us to attend lecture.xD Happy happy it means i am going home lur...My Classmate in the picture with me,she is the sole Chinese in my class and accompanied me with all the assignments,lectures and tutorials.Love her Love her,even though i might not meet her again.Without her,my life here will be DULL.Thanks God.Oh ya,her name is Bee Cheat.

Mawaddah,my classmate.She is talkative and i like talking to her.
We ate cakes together after class because this is the last time we appeared as a class.
My beloved chemistry lecturer even though she is not my own tutotiall lecturer.She is good in Chemistry and i like to consult her. Thanks!! You made me love chemistry a lot.

Food Time.I da bao nasi minyak and have  it in my room.Paiseh,my dress hang on my chair.
The Flower season and there are a lot of insects.

This disgusting creature looks like cockroach.!!
What i like the most is i can always look for some rainbows in the skies.=)

This is the jungle i stay for almost 1 year.
