

of lovely pouches and dark circles :)

Ahha,life of mine after being freed from *jail*(Kuantan's jungle)seems so restless and overexcited.I was in a twitter over the trips,Uni study,family and friends' gathering and internet. There were just too little time left for me to get rid of my lovely under-eye bags and dark circle.

I used to demand a lot of sleeping when i still in that hellish place,I don't know why,perhaps i kept haunted by the feelings:once you're lack of sleep,you will pay no attention to the rest of your day,you gotta waste your day while others were diligently doing revision over and over again.Horrible feelings.?Absolutely.

Until xt warned and complained that my dark mass of little eye pouches are way too hideous.Mum noticed too and so she brought me some sort of eye brightening essence.I was urged to take naps or slumbers but...my overactive minds just couldn't rest down.p/s:keeping thinking of games,FB like drug addicts.

find a solution indeed.Exercise.It eventually and ultimately worked!!I was in extremely exhaustion and had a torturing muscle cramps after the badminton and  jogging.And so you'll know why i said this is a solution: I fall into deep sleeping just because i'm way too TIRED.

i hope i can keep this on,hoo~~*Hope so*

this was too much vintage.Perhaps i should dress like this and go for a badminton or what?? mouth-watering??



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