

It's a good day with hospital clerkship With each visit,I appreciate this life given to me more. I hope this feelings will continue to grow and don't go away. I am afraid that one day I might become numb of it coz it doesnt sound human to me when you get used to disabled/sick people around you. But I've seen it enough. 

When the crowds around you start doing the same,you will go with the flow. They think it's the norm ,it's okay to ignore. Those with disabilities, those lying on bed, those who wheeled themselves painfully with only hands coz their legs are disabled and more---I've seen a lot. 

Imagine that's you. Desperately making his way through the corridor with everyone else taller than you dashing in and out off the pavement,but nobody got a minute to stare at you. If only we can do and care more by giving a helping hand,their life can be easier. 

If a choice is given, I presume no one choose a tough life over the easy one?

It's all worth it to spend a few minutes to think and care ...


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