Truth be told, xt and I didn't have any fine dining like what we accidentally did last year..and there were no valentine's gifts for each other.
If I were to claim, I would say I bought two RM10 belt for him from Bangkok; while he bought me new phone case which worth RM10 as well. LOL, so practical, economical and awesome present.
p/s: There's a reason behind for being so thrifty [Secret project in progress sshhh]
So we got a list to do before we could actually 'celebrate'.
1.Visit Dr.Elizabeth for my skin.
2.Open a saving account in Public Bank.
3.Pick up my phone. (FYI I bought a new phone)
4. Sent Xt's printer for repairing.
5.Apply new Sim Card
6.Shop for a cheap screenpaper.
Oh ya, talk about Dr.Elizabeth...I was having a skin issue which is going worse.I thought it was warts/ calluses so my dad bought Duofilm (Salicylic acid, Lactic acid) for me to get rid of it. But it doesn't heal. Even if it's healed,it was still itchy so I would scratched it out of itchiness and it bleed and scarred once again.
My wound on elbow was existing for one whole year already.And similar things was happening whenever I got a wound;it does not heal but formed a hard scale or crusts which is unbearable itchy. I got 4 big infected area and a few smaller one. Finally decided to visit a doctor.
It wasn't warts.Discoid eczema is the name.I was then given topical steroids, antibiotics, body shampoo, antihistamine and iodine wash liquid. I would recommend this clinics as they are experienced dermatologists, but vice versa...cost will be you know what i mean.
Eczema (dermatitis) is a term used to describe conditions where there is inflammation of skin. Discoid eczema is one type which causes round or oval red patches of inflamed skin.A rash appears on the skin in the form of red coin shaped discs - plaques of eczema - which can affect different parts of the body, but primarily the lower legs, hands and forearms, and sometimes the trunk. It is extremely itchy and uncomfortable. Affected areas usually appear very dry, thickened, or scaly.The cause is uncertain but affected people tend to have generally dry skin.
It is healing right now, after so long it finally did.
Ooopsss, I was totally out of the topic again.So ya, xt brought me to Rainbow Cafe for dinner.=)Taste was not bad but the prime issue was cold food.
But who cares? Be able to spend a quality dinner with your loved one that matters the most.=P I really don't mind cheap meals because to me, love counteracted everything. Not necessary to burn a hole in the pockets;rather than spending pretty penny, I value quality talks and companies.
A polaroid again for this special day.
not this one, but pretty much the same❤ Probably should have cropped the unglamorous leftover salad
Afterwards, we were going to GuanYinDong nearby for mandarin orange tossing event :) I never been there but I thought it would be fun as Jing, Joey, Ele and Binz were coming to join in as well. Woahh, the whole area was crowded with vehicles and pedestrians.
Just a few mandarins float on the drain lol
We browsed the entire GuanYinDong and visited a special corner which exhibited Buddha Relics.
Later we decided to move our way back into the cave as Jing was so anticipated to toss a mandarin. The whole place was so crowded,not even a room for the apple to fall. *wipes sweat *
Should have brought along some mandarins from home. Lesson learnt .___________.
Oppss, sorry..I did not mean to spurt the water on you. Is the mandarin itself........
Phone captured ,not bad mah
Look, who so funny float a guava around?
Fun night double-dating Xt and my babe girls LOL.
Someone really called me up straight after they picked up my mandarin lol. Sorry lah dude, I was not available, just tossed for fun.