

JJ Lin Timeline World Tour 2013

Aloha, I think JJ Lin Timeline Concert worth me to spare some time writing about it despite quiz is coming tomorrow.=P

Imma so so so excited because I finally got to attend a concert. And the first ever concert for this 21-years-old girl was proudly devoted to my all time favourite JJ Lin. To trace the history, I started listening to his song when I was in form 1 or 2. And there goes my forever favourite song 一千年以后 that I can repeatedly played using the ancient CD player during those days.

I love the song to an extent I got very familiar to all the songs in that album.

When I started to learn guitar, this song eventually comes to my list of songs-to-learn.

7 Dec 2013 marked a memorable moment that I finally went to support JJ whose songs accompanied me throughout my high school and Uni like after 8-9 years of secretly admiring him. *Xt don't jelous please*

TIMELINE is the theme of the concert.I love the concept very much and love how JJ introduced and leaded us into the main idea of his concert. Everyone has different perception towards TIME, some wish to speed it up, some want to slow it down;while others wish to freeze the time and even wants to manipulate the time to reverse certain incidents.

But Time never listened to a single person, whether you like it or not, it will just go as the pace it should be. So no matter what is it, be realistic, be happy and appreciate everything you possess at this moment.

There's a touching video in the concert about TIMELINE that inspired me a lot *Secretly wipe off tears* but I could find it in youtube./.\

Despite being friendly boy, JJ showed us his different sides of being energetic, sentimental, loving, rocking and even hot and sexy! Ahaha. I certainly love the part he sang 一千年以后 because you know right, that's my favourite.So when he sang it out so softly, I was instantly melted hehe. The water-splashing part where he tore his singlets and danced like nobody else watching was absolutely amazing too!

Li Xian said she would love to have some splashing water from JJ but we certainly not going to have it because the water is never going to spill so far to reach us at PS2. So, only the VVIP and VIP whose tickets worth twice of us deserve to get the water and handshake from JJ.

p/s: I'm so rational to an extent I think to myself that I certainly don't like water splashed on my face and shirt. But if it were sprinkling water like drizzles one I would love it. Terms and conditions: Only from JJ lol!

So I asked Xt who went for his丁当concert without me to compare the two concerts he attended. He loves this one even more. =P

Basically, we all went crazy for JJ. All the screaming and shouting were made and I shook my glow stick so violently that its star head loosen and broke off at the beginning of the show. Luckily Xt was there to fix it for me, otherwise I got no glow stick for me to express my excitement.=P

The official color is purple, so we all bought purple glow sticks to be more attached to the concert and JJ. Ahaha, I purposely put on my purple pants that Lorna misinterpreted it as blue to show my support!

That's all the thoughts from me.Gtg. Bye. Till next time.......

Couldn't contain the excitement! <3 p="">

Before the concert we went for a nearby cafe Zakka Plus to feed ourselves so that we can be more energetic.Let's the photos do the rest of the talking.

I love brownies!

Real bye this time!

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