

Analyse me

That day I accidentally came across a post about introverted personality.Then I copied the link and showed it to Xt to get a validation from him as I found a lot of 'BINGOs' when I scrolled down the post.

So, Xt instantly replied me 'Not Really' in the chat box.

In the past few years I really do find myself to be more withdrawn and inward, maybe not in all circumstances but I do think a lot before I talk and act nowadays. Where the H is the extrovert and talkative me? Went escaped for so long?!

You might not agree with me, because you only see the outside-me.

The inside me do have a lot complicated mixing feelings that tangled up. I think too much wtf. I am kind of person who don't follow the norm. When the crowds decide to parade on the right, I go to the left.

When I think something is not right, I am not going to be quiet. When I see lousy people talking and doing craps,  I showed it on my face.But I start thinking do I overreact and most of the time I think I should just keep my mouth shut and don't let the feelings leak out.Oh babe, I know it's not polite to do that but trust me, I'm improving that side of me. Yeay, perhaps one day--I don't know on which marvelous day, I could conceal my feelings and behave like a total grown up.

I know this is part of everyone's growing phase.

Let's me show you some examples. I was in the pharmacy helping out, and when the customers flooded the pharmacy and I couldn't get them the correct medicine they want ---with one of them staring at me wanting their Kanolone and one of them is a Doctor who demanding a Levocetrizine but didn't specify the brand. So I ended up giving the orange color Kanolone which supposed to be the only sound-alike brand but still the customers insisted that the packing is not the same. And you got doubled stressed-up because another doctor customer was watching you searching high and low for the drugs while she was not served.

Tensed up situation like this can really made me so so so panic. I don't know how was my face expression, but quite certain it was a total panic I-don't-know-what-to-do face.

It's time to learn some grown-up behavior. To be calm outside with butterflies flapping in the stomach.


Learning it bit by bit. Just a matter of time.

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