

Zakka Loft杂咖坊@Ipoh

Zakka Loft is a really good place to lay back, have a bite of cake and have a cup of passion lemon tea.

What brought me there is merely a suggestion from xt's sister.And there, we spent a quality afternoon.We stepped in at 3pm and surprisingly found that we took 2 hours ++ to finish two pieces of cake and two cups of beverages.

The cafe has great ambiance. Every corner is decorated in an elegant way. Zakka Loft is not just a coffee shop but a handcrafting studio.I am a DIY fans, so this place really got me into it. They even organize Ukulele gathering, I saw one notice pasted on the wall.

The cafe has quaint vintage feel, it is charming in its own way.  Homemade cakes are served. One of those which got our attention was the rainbow cake. The owner told us that each layer is of different flavour. We take a chance and apparently the cake tasted yummy.

We tried another hazelnut-flavour cake after our first attempt of rainbow cake. The cake were not the best in the town, but it was good enough to impress us.

Tadaa..Rainbow cake.

Hazelnut flavor.We are attracted by the Macaroon-like pink thingy on the cake, but it's just a sugar piece. So...don't judge a book by its cover.

The handmade toy is RM35 each.

Spot the four Zebra's butt.

Socks puppet is sooo cute!

We are definitely coming back for more cakes and tea! 

Zakka Loft
No. 2, Jalan Medan Ipoh 1C,
Medan Ipoh Bistari,
31400 Ipoh, Perak.

Tel:+60124803591 or +60134888503

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