

December post

Late night and there's a lot of thoughts running through my head. 

I've attached to hospital recently (starting from this semester) and was sent to TDM (therapeutic drug monitoring) department one week ago. It was my first time to be so near to a patient, read his medical history up, figured out what he's going on , treatment given to him, problem encountered and he was considered as my first ever hospital admitted patient. 

CAPD patient with PUV disease ( trust me, Idk about this disease at all before this) , who had undergone multiple minor and major surgeries.It took me a night to figure out what's going on with him, with each disheartening event of progression, my heart was stabbed a little bit deeper. And when I finally finished study the case,I deliberately feel sad for him and I couldn't tell you how grateful am I to be alive till date without any major medical problem.  Start from day 1 of his life he suffered, but he optimistically live his life on for 13 years. 

And there's more and more sad cases happening around. I surprised for it's still occurring in our so called modern, new era.  Bedridden patient turns into tissue necrosis and gangrene but was not send to hospital coz her family thinks she's already dying and they have no time for it. Coz she has live enough life of 90 years so she doesn't deserve a cure?
So ridiculous. So helpless. And I literally do nothing but just to pray for her? 

And the fact was that even hospital don't want to get her in coz she's too old and fragile. 

This grandma struggled and took her last breathe 2 days ago. I'm literally happy for her coz she finally ended her suffer and gone for a better place. And soon I reliased, if God is being lenient to you,he is going to spare your suffer. 

So c'mon,be grateful and stay strong no matter how hard life had struck on you. There were tonnes of people pitier and poorer, some even can't eat,walk ,talk,pee or poo. 

Live your life out.  Do all you can for a healthier and stronger body coz you know right, health is wealth. 

and I smell Christmas !!


It's October

Dear bloggie,

It's a long night. Mum waked me up by shouting my name violently outside my room,coz she thought I was still awake. Can't get back to sleep anyhow. So....

What am I up to recently?

#Fact1: New semester started AGAIN. Moved into a new room M04-04-04 that I can no longer admire street lights and penang bridge. 

#Fact 2: I'm still not getting over my working holidays--the berries,natures,weather,food and friends. 

#Fact 3: despite realizing the fact that I have to be more passionate to my academics, I'm still lazing around. Somebody kicks my ass please thank you. 

#Fact 4: I'm going to be a real pharmacist in practice next year though I think I'm still not qualified. But thank God my passion and flare for my career never extinguish. 

#Fact 5: I cooked a lot recently. Enjoy trying out new recipes!

Dumplings! Must know how to make dumplings coz we are Chinese hoho!

I'm craving for dumpling since last taste 'em at woolgooga. Auntie at cake shop sells the wrong flour to jing and I end up wrestling with the dough for more than 1 hour but still not success. 

'Why the dough so white? Looking weird.' I kept asking jing and she decided to take flour of other varieties from her home. 

Then we succeed. Wt....now my wrist was still in pain coz I doubled my work and wasted a lot of energy on a flour that never bind TT

Stir fried dumplings @ aoran&jing production. 

Two girls's lunch. End up cannot finish as expected. 

One random lunch coz I'm all alone. Chicken chop marinated with herb spices bought in Aus. Also broccoli and lady's finger coz Lady needs iron and collagen ma.  

Birthday cake for xt! In fact it's my first time baking such sophisticated cake. Gonna blog about this and his bday celebration later. 

Very nicely baked by chance haha! God knows I'm baking birthday cake and So I was gifted with luck and strength  xoxo

Also cooked this spicy seafood Aglio olio with chicken steak for him coz it's his birthday soon!

First try braised yam and pork! Some of bigger pieces were not soft enough. 

Simple dishes before leaving home. 

#Fact 6: got to touch up with friends!

Love both of them!

Belle shared astonishing stories I yet to know after I left Woolgooga! Feel so good to talk to you like an old friend after one whole month.

Met Kok Ming senior as well! Small gathering is my favorite coz everyone pays more attention to one another  

Met SS people randomly at mid autumn festival in usm. What a coincidence. I don't even know some of you lol 

BBQ and stay at batu ferringi with coursemate. Girls power yea

#Fact 7: growing more nutritious, traditional and healthy diet focus. 

Soy bean and apples for breakfast. 

There was a similar blender owned by Abbie in woolgooga motel and I feel that it's super convenient coz we can blend all kind of fruits with this. But back in malaysia can't find one with good price coz Abbie only selling it at $10. Hahaha 

Then Xt got me one. Lol 

Berries.....i miss you😘 

Bought this coz a Leo printed on it and I want to make some herbal tea with it. 

#Fact 8:cut my fringe coz I'm bored with long fringe. Say hi to secondary school look. 

I'm done. 





离开Woolgooga的前一晚,才仓促地订了Maze Backpacker。特价,5晚$145/pax,二人房。(第一次对旅程不紧张,之前都会小心翼翼严格筛选)原本是要住在King Cross的,但被人阻止了,说是Sydney的红灯区,危险。

从Coffs Harbour到Sydney只花了短短45分钟。飞机离开Coffs Harbour时,心里想着可能几十年后才会再回来吧?不断地俯瞰地上的农场,希望看到刚下班的朋友们。4.00pm的那辆划过天空的飞机正是我们。那天的云海特别特别漂亮,像棉花糖做成的城堡。


拖着笨重的行李,我们来到接驳车Shuttle bus的集合点,上了公车,缓缓驶向Central。悉尼的繁华,高楼大厦耀眼夺目;却一丁点也比不上星空闪烁,安静的Woolgooga。打开Maze Backpacker的57号房门,我们立马就想要回去Woolgooga。原来住了两个月的豪华motel?!离开后才知道之前住得多好。



于是室友Robert当了我们在悉尼的导游。那一晚我们去吃Kimama Kitchen,在唐人街的Market City Food Court, $8的Mayonnaise Terriyaki, Spicy Terriyaki 都很好吃,而且非常大份(有免费加饭和汤)。然后逛逛星期五的唐人街市集。

Food Court里有一个摊位是卖Ramen的,Hakata-Maru Ramen,汤非常非常浓郁!也算是悉尼里面便宜的食物~
隔天早上,到Fish Market吃海鲜。买了海鲜坐在户外吃才算是正宗吃法。因为会有海鸟跟你抢食物,是一种犯贱的乐趣。也有看到有人才刚坐下,就被海鸟叼走一大块鱼肉。不过我们保护周全,所以食物一块都没有落到海鸟嘴里。

Oyster,Sashimi,Seafood Platter。配Tartar Sauce真好吃 (Tartar sauce要额外买)

Fish Market里有超大的螃蟹和龙虾。见有不少旅客很豪气地说要3只什么的,1kg $300,是真正有钱的菜吃得起。

后来我们到QVB血拼,逛了好多店。 T2 的茶很香,Chili Chocolate的口味我现在都还很留恋。

隔天我们到Bondi Beach。那天早上细雨蒙蒙,非常不澳洲,天空很灰很灰。在Bondi Beach吹着冷冷的海风,心里想着乌云赶快走。溜达了一阵子,决定先吃lunch。省钱一族找到了Fish Mongers @ Hall Street, 这家在网上还蛮多人推荐,也不知道为什么整家店面只有我们2个人。

点了NZ Hoki Fillet with Green Salads, Pesto and Corn。其实味道真的很不错,只是两人又再做了傻事。

Jo: Pasta。(坚决的眼神)


Jo: 你做么刚才不阻止我。



天终于放晴了,我们再次奔向沙滩。这一次Bondi Beach变得漂亮(但没有比Gold Coast漂亮)。
很多人开始带着狗儿,冲浪板;原本寥寥无几的沙滩很快地堆满了人 。大海没有蓝天的衬托真的什么都不是。

走到Iceberg看这个建在海边的Swimming Pool。很酷。海浪会溅进泳池,我也很想去玩水,只



逃离悉尼的繁华,人来人往的街道,我们要到Blue Mountain蓝山。很多旅行社有蓝山一日游,可是我们坚持自己去,用最节俭的方式。从Sydney Central到Katoomba的火车每小时一趟,8.18am(超准时的,我们就miss了)。8.18am开始就是off peak fares,$11.80来回票(如果是尖峰时段是$17.20)。两个小时的车程就抵达Katoomba。

在Katoomba可以选择Explorer Bus, Trolley Bus或普通公车。Explorer Bus的Trip有点小贵,所以我们搭普通公车,686号,$2.30一趟,每半小时一趟到Echo Point和Scenic World。


我们现在Echo Point 下车。在这里看蓝山三姐妹Three Sister是最漂亮的。其实当天因为下雨非常大雾,我们都心想应该什么也看不到。

幸运的我们,Three Sister依然壮丽地耸在我们面前。一定要多拍一点。

1点半我们才来到Scenic World,买了Discovery Pass $35。无限乘搭Cableway, Skyway 和Railway。Railway是当中最刺激的,55度倾斜。我们共乘了3次。为了坐在第一排我们提前进去等。从Railway我们走到Bush walking走30分钟到Cableway,搭缆车回到原点。


晚餐在Yok Yor Thai Food Factory @ Haymarket解决。如果要省旅费又想吃到美食就应该来这里。一碗面(小的)才$4.5。(已经可以让我吃饱饱了)



虽然很饱,还是决定去喝杯饮料。来到Chanoma Cafe @ George Street喝Matcha和红豆。Matcha很好喝!



最后一天留在悉尼。之前已经把悉尼四周都好好逛过了,所以决定来一个Food Trip。第一站是New Town的Black Star Pastry。这里以玫瑰西瓜草莓蛋糕闻名,蛋糕上层和里头的Cream都有淡淡的玫瑰香味。一块$7.5。贪吃的我们叫一整个蛋糕,$26。另外也吃了网上推荐的Lamb Shank Pie羊肉派。

来悉尼的一整个星期都下雨。我们就躲进了New Town里一间间充满文青气息的小店。店里都是些有特色,别致的摆设或家庭用品。真想要把全部都买下来,哈~

接下来我们决定要把隐藏在New Town的Campo's Cafe @Missenden Road 找出来。据说是第一家Campo's。来到小店前,发现店里挤满要外带咖啡的当地人,看起来真的很不错。走进店里,才发现这里的咖啡真的太好闻了,每一寸空气都是浓郁芳香的咖啡味。不能够一直呆在这里,要不然真的会爱上咖啡。

点了一杯Iced Mocha和Affogato.我...没有在夸张,是我喝过最好喝的咖啡,味道浓郁之余又多层次。而外表讨喜的Affogato(原本以为是Avacado juice),是像天堂般的甜品,超级好吃。其实Affogato就是在ice cream上淋上Expresso,有甘苦交集的感觉。现在依然很想念...

当然不能错过Adriano Zumbo Patissier@ The Star的马卡龙,据说是澳洲排名第一的。马卡龙一颗$2.5。很可爱。


然后也顺道去The Star Casino晃晃。到处都是亚洲人,有点讽刺。#第一次进赌场

向悉尼道别的晚餐我们来到Arisun Korean Restaurant @Dixon Street吃一餐比较丰盛的。点了Kimchi hotpot和炸鸡!

1.Hana Hana @Thomas Street

2.第二家是Kura @Haymarket 

Pork Kakuni Ramen $11.90

Steamed chicken udon $9.50



