

泰国 #5 2013清迈好吃推荐

2013清迈必吃必喝 Food Post:

No 1.VT Namnueng 越南料理餐厅


这家是在Ping  River河畔,很好吃的越南料理。吃过后对越南餐印象极好,没想到在泰国可以吃到那么美味好吃的异国事物。价钱也十分便宜,我们吃了大概五六道菜,一个人才110B。吃得很尽兴。
地址:ADD : 49/9  Chiang  Mai-Lam  Phun  RD., Wat  Ket, Muang  Chiang  Mai
Opening  Hours : 06:00-20:30    
TEL : (053) 266-111    (053) 266-780

i) "Nam  Nueng" 是这里必点的招牌菜!真的很棒,现在想起还是垂涎三尺。Yum Yum 
小份:110B    大份:190B



你会发现越南菜其实很健康,配料都是蔬菜! 所以大吃特吃也无所谓。这是我辛辛苦苦包好的Nam Neung


iii)这也是春卷。这里的食物,只要配上他们的王牌酱料 (右上角那碗),都超好吃。

No 2.在清迈一定一定要吃的当然是......千人火锅 Sukhothan 

价钱是199B,就是RM19.90 有无限的食物,饮料,有熟的,不熟的,甜品,雪糕。重点是种类实在是太太太太多了。

地址:于清迈古城西北方向(往清迈大学)的主路Huay Kaew北侧,每晚五点营业到午夜。请Red Car载我们去的,直接到Sukhotan前面。








No 3. Pad Thai 泰国炒面

我真的真的很欣赏Pad Thai,真的很好吃。有点酸酸的,能够增进食欲。在清迈吃了两次Pad Thai,也没有特别挑店来吃,已经很好吃了。所以我assume这里的pad thai都好吃。


No.4 清凉果汁 

天气很热时,来一杯路边的百香果汁,清凉解渴,而且是真材实料。我们有叫一杯Lemon Juice,可是没有那么好喝。百香果比较浓稠,百香果籽加上冰沙,好喝。这样一大杯才20B

No 5 .La Casa de NimmanBrownie 

Brownie很甜腻,配上cream 可以解掉腻。而且外观这么好看,我都舍不得吃了。好像是79B

早餐Package:蛋糕+咖啡 149B


No 6.香蕉蛋餅 
我们吃的是香蕉++巧克力 30B 

地址:在东城門Thapae(塔佩門)外的Thapae Rd.上,距离Thapae(塔佩門)不远,在Wat Mahawan 

No 7.发清海南鸡饭






Zakka Loft杂咖坊@Ipoh

Zakka Loft is a really good place to lay back, have a bite of cake and have a cup of passion lemon tea.

What brought me there is merely a suggestion from xt's sister.And there, we spent a quality afternoon.We stepped in at 3pm and surprisingly found that we took 2 hours ++ to finish two pieces of cake and two cups of beverages.

The cafe has great ambiance. Every corner is decorated in an elegant way. Zakka Loft is not just a coffee shop but a handcrafting studio.I am a DIY fans, so this place really got me into it. They even organize Ukulele gathering, I saw one notice pasted on the wall.

The cafe has quaint vintage feel, it is charming in its own way.  Homemade cakes are served. One of those which got our attention was the rainbow cake. The owner told us that each layer is of different flavour. We take a chance and apparently the cake tasted yummy.

We tried another hazelnut-flavour cake after our first attempt of rainbow cake. The cake were not the best in the town, but it was good enough to impress us.

Tadaa..Rainbow cake.

Hazelnut flavor.We are attracted by the Macaroon-like pink thingy on the cake, but it's just a sugar piece. So...don't judge a book by its cover.

The handmade toy is RM35 each.

Spot the four Zebra's butt.

Socks puppet is sooo cute!

We are definitely coming back for more cakes and tea! 

Zakka Loft
No. 2, Jalan Medan Ipoh 1C,
Medan Ipoh Bistari,
31400 Ipoh, Perak.

Tel:+60124803591 or +60134888503


Drawer's Story

Today I finally feel like tidying up my drawers.I am never a very neat and organised person.Recently, I start facing difficulties of finding things that supposedly lying in my drawers.So......it's the time to make things neat.

Tidying drawer is fun when you found something that you hadn't seen for a really long time. Let's see what I got this time.

My favourite hobby during childhood is collecting.I got cards collection, erasers collection, Winnie the Pooh toys collection and this....key chains collection.

Inside that transparent box, there are key chains collected since childhood. Most of the key chains below are brand new. Spot the little dog, that's my all time favourite! Some of them are presents from friends and family and some I bought it from countries I traveled to.

But I never use them. Key chain is one of the things that always gone missing besides hair pin, therefore, keeping it inside drawer is the best way to ensure their all-time-existence.

Oh, the cards.I used to put a lot of faith in it.It is like tarot card, foresee your luck, friendship, love and wealth. I bought it from '银河'.During my primary school time, it was a famous magazine that sold all kinds of fancy cute stuffs.Are kids nowadays still reading ‘银河’? Maybe now they just want to buy Apps in Iphone and Ipad. LOL.

I still find it interesting. Do this once in a while is quite....exciting!

Tadaaa... My KH artwork. This colour looks pretty good, my sense of art is not bad hor. In fact I got the inspiration from Sleeping beauty (If you ever watched it). The ending scene where one of the faeries wanted to paint her gown in pink, the other wanted blue.

 I even sprayed some stars on it.

This was another KH masterpiece. I made full use of my DIY stuffs.

These are the coolest things in my childhood! Trendy looking black shades and fashionable fanny packs, and the cute little key chain that still hanging on it. Their colour tone are pretty matching. 

And I found this! Miss Ele wrote this to me. 9 years back. This is what a BFF will write to you after all. Haha

Mickey's watch. Dad bought it to me when he still worked in Singapore. Love this pretty much. <3 p="">

Smiley toys. They are capsule toys from Gashapon. The one you have to put in coins, and rotate a button on the machine, then you will get the capsule balls. There were time where my sister, brother and me were very addicted to Gashapon and we 'stole' coins from mum and dad in order to collect different colours of this toy.

Phew, I am glad that my drawers are now neat for a short while.


清莱#4 像天堂的花园@皇太后行宫 Doi Tung Royal Villa

第四天我们去Doi Tung Royal Villa (皇太后行宫)。朋友一直说这里很漂亮,所以来到清莱,这个地方肯定是必来的。尤其是我在回来之后,对这个地方的影响竟然是最为让我深刻的! 可见这个地方是多么能够俘虏我的心。更重要的是,这里是避暑胜地,天气很好,空气更是一流的。生活在马来西亚这个热带国家,凉爽才是王道




皇太后生性节俭,所以她住的地方是由木头打造而成,不奢华但是大方典雅。泰国的皇太后行宫和台湾故宫一样,都采用了Self-guided Tour,就是派给你一架像遥控的小机器,让你戴上耳机带着走。在行宫里每一样有故事的东西,都被标上了号码,只要你一按号码,就可以马上听到解说。

这样的self-guided tour很棒!我们可以安静地把行宫每一个角落仔细琢磨,又可以清楚知道背后的故事。

我们买的门票概括了Doi Tung Royal Villa和Mae Fa Luang Garden两个地方。我们是学生,只要出示学生证即可得到折扣,我们一人大约花了110-120B。

进入皇太后行宫,有指定的穿着,必须穿长裤长裙。我们不知道,以为只要寺庙才必须及膝。 他们很贴心地为我们准备了蓝布和蓝长,还为我们亲自绑上。


